
Story Theater Project
Adaptation and Direction by Elizabeth Hess
Vocal coach Raife Baker
Collaboration with Molloy College sophomore acting majors

A Workshop Performance
Adaptation and Direction by Elizabeth Hess
Collaboration with Powerhouse Theater Training Program

A Devised Work based on 'Tales of Ovid' by Ted Hughes

photos | summary



A man is transformed into a woman by snakes. A boy drowns in his own image. A daughter smashes through taboos to mate with her father. A goddess aches to make love with beauty incarnate. A runner stumbles into love. This is the world of Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ where dreams and desires erupt and collide and interact with the supernatural. Bodies are magically transformed, and psyches are suddenly altered as insatiable wants become feverish and frenzied. Mortals and gods co-mingle in the dark recesses of the Underworld or breathe in the intoxicating fumes of the Overworld. Extremes of passion drives these tales. Passion that is ecstatic. Passion that is doomed. Passion that is relentless. Passion that is irrational. Passion that is totally recognizable as being all too human.